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How To Grow Beautiful, Delicate Tibouchina

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This weeks article about growing Tibouchina was inspired by a plant that had both myself and a good friend of mine stumped as to what it was.

On a plant buying expedition at Lowe’s we spotted a gorgeous plant among all the others.

There was only one of these plants and the leaves had a velvety textured appearance.

We Bought A Mystery Plant

Of course, at this point in time there were no flowers on it, and no one seemed to know what it was.

Needless to say, my friend decided to buy it and we set out on an expedition to find out what it was.

After months of no clue, I came across an article on Tibouchinas.

Of course, in my haste I didn’t even look at the pictures of the plant.

Now, months later, searching for new material to write on, I relooked at the article, and low and behold, there was a picture of that plant!

The really funny thing about all of this is that the plant has bloomed since she got it, and we still didn’t catch on!


About Tibouchina

Now, I suppose you might be wondering just what a Tibouchina is.

They belong to the Melastomataceae family of which there are about 4000 species worldwide.

Tibouchinas account for close to 350 species, and are mostly found in Brazil, although you might find them anywhere from the West Indies, to Mexico.

They can also be found from Central America to Northern Argentina.

Tibouchinas are mostly grown as trees in tropical regions, although some are shrubs and you can also find climbers.

The problem with the climbing Tibouchinas is the stems are fragile and easily broken.

They need frost-free conditions to thrive, although they are fairly cold-tolerent living in conditions of forty degrees Fahrenheit with some varieties able to withstand temperatures as low as 25 degrees Fahrenheit.

Tibouchina Preferred Growing Conditions

Tibouchinas prefer full sun unless you are growing them in greenhouse conditions or it is unusually hot, in which case they prefer a bit of shade during the hotteset part of the day.

They also prefer light, fertile soil with regular fertilizing and even a bit of compost regularly.

Although some species flower year-round, most have two blooming cycles a year, from June to September and again from December to March.

They should be pruned after blooming to ensure new blooms and keep them full.

These plants are easy to grow in containers for those who do not live in a tropical climate.

The Tibouchina is commonly called the Princess Flower, Glory Bush, or Glory Tree.

Although most flowers of the Tibouchina are purple, you can find both white flowered varieties and pink flowered varieties.

If you have never seen one of these beauties, I highly recommend that you find a picture of one and look closely at it.

It is an amazingly beautiful flower and no garden should be without one in it, even if you only keep it one season.

Flowering Tropical Plants


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