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What Garden Seeds To Plant In June

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If you've ever wondered what garden seeds to plant in June, you are not alone.

Mid-June is here and with it comes the heat of summer.

For many gardeners, the continual rain this year has interfered with getting their vegetables planted.

Do not fear if this is the case in your situation.

There is still time to get your vegetable crops planted, even if you are growing from seed.


Dealing With Wet Soil 

If your soil is still too wet to till, do not fear.

Raised beds can be a good answer here.

If you don’t have materials, and do not wish to buy materials to make raised beds, try laying newspaper on top of the ground and piling soil on top of that.

Containers are another option.

Many plants will grow in a variety of containers from hanging baskets to window boxes or even five-gallon buckets.

Fill your container with compost that is broken down or a potting soil mix meant for container gardening.

Remember that raised beds and containers will dry out faster than the ground, so make sure they are in an area where you have easy access to water.

What Garden Seeds To Plant In June

The third week of June is a good time for Mid-West gardeners to plant warm season crops such as corn, cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelon and green beans.

For those who intend to garden late into fall, or even year-round, plant Swiss chard, Brussels sprouts, lettuce, broccoli and cabbage.

Don’t be afraid to plant some flowers from seed during this time as well.

Calendula and stocks are good choices for flowers that will do well when cool weather arrives.

Before the end of the month, be sure to get your fall potatoes and parsley planted.

Vegetable Plants Or Garden Seeds To Plant In June

Many crops are easy to grow from garden seed.

If you are getting a late start on planting your vegetable garden, it is important to know whether to start with seeds or plants.

It is also important to read the labels on both seeds and plants to make sure you choose ones that will have enough time to produce in your area.

To calculate this information, you will need to know what the first expected fall frost date is, then count the days backwards to see how many frost-free days you have left in this gardening season.

Look for short season crops such as those that produce in 45 to 72 days, especially if you are starting with seed.

Crops such as corn, cucumbers, watermelon and green beans are good choices to grow from seed.

This late in the season, crops such as tomatoes may not have enough time to grow from seed, so choose young plants.

To get your crops producing faster, look for plants that are already flowering or have small tomatoes on them.

These plants will transplant just fine and you will be eating fresh, ripe tomatoes in no time at all.

Be sure to keep a garden journal so you know which varieties of plants you chose, when to expect the first harvest and how late into the season you were able to harvest.

Take note of things such as how well the plants did once the weather began cooling down and if you are using cold frames or frost covers come fall how well the plants did with protection.

By keeping track of this information now, you will be better prepared to choose the best garden plants for your area next year.

Planting Your Garden


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