The greenhouse garden area consists of a large greenhouse that is divided into several sections. These sections operate year-round and house a wide array of tropical plants. Some of these plants are edibles, some are highly fragrant and some are just ornamental. I tend to like unusual plants, so you will find many of these in the greenhouse. In addition to the year-round greenhouses, there are four walk-in greenhouses and a cold frame that are positioned right outside the area where the large greenhouse is. These houses and cold frames are used for seedlings and as a holding area during nice weather for plants that go into the garden. During late spring and early summer all of these greenhouses and cold frames are in use.
- Hedychium
- Hedychium
- Hibiscus
- Ginger
- Brugmansia
- Brugmansia
- Dwarf ylang-ylang
- Dwarf ylang-ylang
- Dwarf ylang-ylang
- Ginger
- Ginger
- Hibiscus
- Ginger
- Persian Shield Plant
- Persian Shield Plant
- Pepper
- Salvia discolor
- Kangaroo Paw
- Bulbs
- Clivia
- Clivia
- Ambrosinia bassii
- Ylang Ylang Vine
- Variegated society garlic
- Variegated Pink Lemon
- Philodendron Pink Princess
- Passiflora foetida
- Distictis laxiflora SMG
- Cola acuminita
- Camellia Nuccios Pearl
- Biarum tenuifolium
- Biarum tenuifolium
- Biarum tenuifolium
- Bamboo Ginger
- Zingiber mioga
- Meyer Lemon
- Jasmine sambac
- Crinium and geranium
- Brugmansia
- Bougainvillea
- Thunbergia battescombei
- Thunbergia battescombei
- Thunbergiaalata
- Scadoxus multiflorus Katherinae
- Scadoxus multiflorus Katherinae
- Red Shrimp Plant
- Red Shrimp Plant
- Cleodendron
- Oleander
- Meyer Lemon
- Scadoxus multiflorus Katherinae and Kohleria species
- Kohleria species
- Kohleria species
- Streptocarpus Blue Angel
- Crossandra Nile Queen
- Chorisia speciosa
- Chorisia speciosa
- Ceropegia
- Bouganvilla
- Black Elephant Ear
- Beaumontia grandiflora
- Bay Rum
- Variegated Pink Lemon
- Variegated Pink Lemon
- Zantedeschia aethiopica Green Goddess
- Yellow Butterfly Ginger
- Thunbergia erecta
- Thevetia peruviana
- Streptocarpus Blue Angel
- Ginger
- Stemmadenia littoralis
- Sollya heteraphylla
- Solandra
- Scadoxus multiflorus Katherinae
- Scadoxus multiflorus Katherinae
- Red Shrimp Plant
- Radermachea sinica
- Plumeria
- Orange Bird Of Paradise
- Hibiscus schizopetalus
- Heliconia tortuosa Red Twist
- Heliconia rostrara Ruiz Pavon
- Heliconia White Christmas
- Heliconia psittaconum Andromeda
- Hakea Victoria
- Grevillea banksii var fosteri
- Ginger
- Ginger Large Pinecone
- Garlic Vine
- Elettaria cardamomum
- Scadoxus multiflorus Katherinae
- Bouganvilla
- Costus pictus
- Cola acuminata
- Clitoria Double Blue
- Cleodendrum indicum
- Cleodendrum purple
- Brunfelsia floribunda
- Brunfelsia americana
- Brugmansia
- Bougainvillea
- Bomarea
- Blue Ginger
- Black Bird Of Paradise
- Beaumontia grandiflora
- Beaumontia grandiflora
- Bamboo Ginger
- Bamboo Ginger
- Aristolochia anguicida
- Alpinia zerumbet
- Ginger
- Calla lily Black-Eyed Beauty
- Tabermontana Flore Plena
- Double Oleander
- lemon cypress
- Ginger
- Distictis laxiflora
- Beaumontia
- Bay Rum
- White Bird Of Paradise
- Variegated Oleander
- Thunbergia battescombei
- Tabermontana ‘Flore Plena’
- Stephanotis
- St. Thomas Tree
- Red Shrimp Plant
- Pittosporum tobira
- Pittosporum revolutum
- Pimenta dioica
- Philodendron Pink Princess
- Oroxylum indicum Midnight Horror
- Hibiscus schizopetalus
- Heliconia Guapa
- Gardenia
- Duranta Geisha Girl
- Cleodendron indicum and Allamanda violacea ‘Chocolate Cherry’
- Cinnamomum zeylanicum
- Cinnamomum cassia
- Chorisia speciosa
- Broswelia sacra – Frankincense
- Beaumontia grandiflora
- Artabetrys heyapetalis
- Allspice
- Ylang ylang
- Anthurium
- Hibiscus schizopetalus in bloom.
- Anthurium 3
- Anthurium 2
- Anthurium 1
- Asarina
- Brugmansia
- Canna and Pretty Much Picasso Petunia
- Brugmansia 2
- Amaryllis
- Philodendron Pink Princess
- Theobroma seedlings
- Calla lily
- Orchid in bloom.
- Hydroponic system 2
- Theobroma cacao in hydroponic system.
- Hydroponic system 1
- Five Minute Plant Stem
- Five Minute Plant Close-Up
- Sheri Ann Richerson in her greenhouse.
- Gloriosa Lily
- Clitoria Double Blue
- Canna
- Vine
- Kangaroo Paw