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Expert Advice On How To Grow Beautiful Allamandas

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Allamandas are tropical beauties that are native to South America, and come in different shades of yellow, although you will find some in shades of purple, chocolate and white.

Allamanda Neriifolia, produces clusters of flowers, while Allamanda Cathartica produces single blooms that may reach up to five inches across.

Choose A Location For Your Allamandas

Growing your Allamanda in a hanging basket is one choice, however, many people train the to climb up supports or pinch them back to make them bush.

They can become leggy and are known to sprawl everywhere they are allowed to.

Overwintering Allamandas

Over wintering your Allamanda is fairly easy to do, they prefer dry winter conditions, but not too dry and lots of water in the summer.

Watch for drooping as this is a sign your plant is not getting enough water.

Growing them in rich soil with additions of compost in late spring and summer will help your plant perform its best.

Allamanda Light Requirements

When it comes to light, this plant will need at least four hours or more of direct sunlight, preferably from a south window, or it will need to live in a greenhouse where there will be plenty of light and moisture in the air.

If this is not possible, be sure to mist or use a humidifier on a regular basis.

Also if you do not have a south facing window to grow this in, use a grow light.

During the summer place your Allamanda outdoors in full sun, but be sure to acclimate it first so your plant does not burn.

To acclimate it simply place it in a shady spot outdoors at first and slowly move it into full sun a little at a time.

Getting Allamanda To Bloom

When it comes to repotting, allow your Allamanda to become root bound.

Allamanda typically do not bloom unless they are root bound.

Top dress the soil with compost and repot every couple years to make sure your plant is getting the nutrients it needs from the soil.

Allamanda Toxicity Warning!

Take care with this plant, as all parts of it are poisonous of ingested.

So be sure to keep it out of reach of pets and children.

My Thoughts On Growing Allamandas

I have my Allamanda growing in a hanging basket in my garden directly above some Brugmansia, roses, and mums.

The bright yellow flowers really draw your eye upward and make the rest of the plants more noticeable once your eye leaves the Allamanda.

I have not pruned mine back and probably won’t until fall.

However, I did transplant mine this spring because it needed watering daily from being too root bound.

It has continued to put out new blooms for me, but I did wait until it was already in its blooming cycle.

I think this is one of the most cheerful plants in my garden this year because of the bright yellow flowers.

I have also heard of people who live in warm climates growing a bush Allamanda.

This might just be possible to do in a pot.

At least it’s a thought.

If you are wondering where to get an Allamanda, you might try your local Botanical Gardens, that’s where mine came from, or you could look for cuttings.

I hear they are fairly easy to root, although I’ve never tried it myself.

Flowering Tropical Plants




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