Disclaimer: I did receive the steadyGROW seed starter sample kit for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
Now that the fish are settled into their new home, it is time to get a jump-start on seed starting for the aquaponic system. The plants I decided to grow in this system are pole beans, tomatoes and cucumbers. I have heard these plants are harder to grow in an aquaponic system, but since I grow lettuce and other cool weather crops outside all year long, I don't see the point of growing them indoors - and after all gardening is about experimentation.
I had just received the Complete Vegetable Garden Kit from the Dollar Seed. It was sent to me free of charge. The pole bean, tomato and cucumber seeds I selected were from those packets, so I know they are fresh seed. There was even enough seed left over to start another batch of plants with if I choose to do so.
I started the seeds in the steadyGROW seed starter sample kit I received earlier in the year. I planted 8 pole bean seeds, 2 tomato seeds and 2 cucumber seeds. This is an ideal number of plants to start with since I am growing indoors. I feel like this is a good number of plants to start with for the 20-gallon system as well. I will monitor the pH, ammonia and nitrates to see if I need to add more plants or more fish to balance the system out.
The material that makes up the steadyGROW seed starting medium is ideal for use in a hydroponic or aquaponic system because it won't clog hoses and pumps up the way soil will. Once the seeds sprout, I will cut the seed starting blocks apart and plant them in pebbles where they will continue to grow, flower and fruit.
Aquaponics and Hydroponics
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